
Harmony Street

Harmony Street was recorded in 2007. The album consists of seven 12 string songs and the rest 6 string guitar in standard or a Drop D tuning. Mostly easy listening and the most popular album among the first four recorded.

This album contains 12 tracks, only 3 are sampled here:

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Distant Memories

Recorded in 2008: All composers have music that they have played for years and this album is that kind. The album has six 12 string guitar songs and the rest in 6 strings. There is a heavy influence of southwestern Spanish guitar that I developed living in El Paso, TX.

This album contains 12 tracks, only 3 are sampled here:

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Recorded in 2010: Strictly a country and western collection influenced by the Mid-Columbia Traditional Arts and Music Association.

This album contains 12 tracks, only 3 are sampled here:

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Recorded in 2012: Eclipse is an eclectic album of songs of mostly six string guitar tuned to a Celtic sound and a couple of 12 string songs as well.

This album contains 12 tracks, only 3 are sampled here:

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Special Moments

Recorded in 2021: Special Moments is an album with mostly 6 string guitar in an alternative tuning, the album gives a mixture of all the styles I play and is dedicated to all the care givers of our country.

This album contains 14 tracks, only 3 are sampled here:

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